Herbal collection Motherwort 50 gr, Leonurus herbal tea

Oreshka seeds
Herbal collection Motherwort 50 gr, Leonurus herbal tea Motherwort herb stabilizes the heart rate and strengthens the myocardium, has antispasmodic and anticonvulsant effects, lowers blood pressure, blood cholesterol levels, glucose, pyruvic and lactic acids, stabilizes protein metabolism and removes excess fats. Motherwort is effective for treating gastrointestinal ailments, especially for stomach cramps and catarrh of the large intestine. Has diuretic, anti-inflammatory and expectorant properties. Motherwort herb has a calming effect on nervous disorders, insomnia, hysteria, psychasthenia, vegetative-vascular dystonia, thyrotoxicosis. Motherwort herb in gynecology is prescribed for climacteric syndrome and painful or unstable regulations. In gastroenterology, the plant is used for stomach cramps, flatulence, and intestinal neuroses. Motherwort herb in folk medicine is additionally used for uterine bleeding, edema, colitis, gastritis and colds, chronic cough, cardiovascular diseases, Graves' disease, epilepsy. Seeds are used to treat glaucoma. As a general tonic and sedative, it is used for chorea, tuberculosis and chlorosis. Motherwort is not a universal remedy. Its herb can be not only beneficial, but also harmful. Main contraindication: motherwort herb when breastfeeding can harm the baby, because it contains alkaloids. For the same reason, motherwort is not prescribed for children under 5 years old.
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