The best variety of quick-growing walnuts is considered to be the Kocherzhenko nut. Took it from Kiev Ivan Kocherzhenko and selected him in the ranks of early maturing Ideal.
This means that the Kocherzhenko nut is a natural natural modification-from the Ideal nut, only its indicators and characteristics have largely surpassed its ancestor-the ideal nut.
Kocherzhenko nut is an adult tree:
Fruiting cluster
Height of 4 meters. Prolific.
Dense planting scheme 4*5 (row spacing)
Frost resistance is higher than that of the "Ideal"nut.
The size and shape of the fruit / nut is round-oval. The shell is thin. The color of the kernel / gruel is light wheat.
Kocherzhenko nut begins its fruiting in the 2nd year.
And of course, if you have problems with watering nuts, make your choice in the direction of the ideal nut.
The ideal is a strong early-fruiting form of the walnut tree — and the Kocherzhenko nut is already a more demanding plant.