Walnut. Juglans regia. (Grade Ideal). SEEDS 5 PCS

Oreshka seeds
Walnut Ideal (Juglans regia var. Ideal)

One of the most popular species, which is loved by many gardeners. Its main distinguishing feature is resistance to frost (the tree can survive even at temperatures of - 36°C, buds up to - 32°C). The tree itself is not tall - only 5 m. Another advantage is its short stature. High resistance to frost. The variety allows you to get a good harvest; one tree alone produces up to 110 kg of nuts.

The sunny side will be an ideal place for planting seedlings, but in the shade the tree will not be able to fully develop. Flowering begins in May, with male and female flowers blooming almost simultaneously, which is important for pollination, and the first fruits can only be harvested at the end of September.

When planting a future walnut tree, it is important to take into account its powerful root system at the time of completion of formation. Loves sunny places, moist soils, grows well on carbonate loams with moderate moisture. The root system is powerful and dense, penetrating deeply into the soil. Disease-resistant variety.

USDA Hardiness Zone: 4 (-34°C to -29°C).
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