Uzbek walnut 5 PCS fresh seeds nuts, Juglans regia, Walnut seeds, Nuts tree seeds, Walnut tree, Organic walnut nuts, Fruit seeds, Non GMO
Oreshka seeds
Uzbek walnut fresh seeds nuts, Juglans regia, Walnut seeds, Nuts tree seeds, Walnut tree, Organic walnut nuts, Fruit seeds, Non GMO (lat. Juglans regia).
A tree species of the genus Nut of the Nut family (Juglandaceae). Uzbek walnut is a medium-sized tree with a dense crown. During the reproductive period, the walnut enters the third growing season. Adult trees are able to tie clusters of 7-8 fruits in each. The fruits are large, their weight is 16 g, the shell is thin, the kernel is removed from the shell easily and completely.
The walnut is beautiful, rounded, the shoulders are clearly pronounced, the top is slightly pulled back, the base is rounded, the seam is narrow and slightly protruding.
The Uzbek walnut does not bloom at the same time, so the first fruits ripen in August, and the harvest lasts until mid-October. Resistance against diseases and pests is average. The yield is annual, high.