Hazelnut Circassian var. of kerasund 10 PCS fresh seeds, Corylus avellana, Filbert, Hazel, Hazelnut tree, Fruit nut seeds, Organic seeds

Oreshka seeds
Circassian hazelnuts (lat. Corylus avellana Cherkesskiy), or Circassian round, Shapsug, Kerasund round, Kichmai, Adyghe, or common hazel Circassian variety, or Hazel Circassian variety, or Hazelnut Circassian variety (lat. Corylus avellana)

The bush is strong-growing up to 5 meters in height. The crown is spreading – 4 meters in diameter. Refers to varieties of early ripening.

Earrings are grayish-green (in a dusty state, length up to 9 cm, diameter about 7 mm.), 2-3 in each brush. There are quite a lot of them on the whole bush. Blooms are early or mid-early.

Fruits weighing 1.6 g, wide-oval, slightly flattened, pointed. The wrapper is whole, longer than a nut, divided into uneven toothed lobes. The shell is thin, brown, with slightly pronounced longitudinal stripes. The yield of the kernel is 45.2%, the fat content is about 70%. The average yield is 22.3 c/ha. Maturation is the third decade of August.

It is characterized by relative resistance to pests and diseases. Relatively hardy and drought-resistant.
See also