Walnut Carpathian variety 5 PCS fresh seeds, Juglans regia var. Carpathian seeds, Frost-resistant walnut tree

Oreshka seeds
Walnut Carpathian oil variety (lat. Juglans regia var. Carpathian)

The tree is quite large, has a rounded crown, up to 4 m in height. It is distinguished by high, stable productivity and relative resistance to marsonia damage.

The fruits are formed on the apical buds of last year's shoots. The fruits are of medium weight (11.2-13.5 g), round.

The nut kernels are hidden behind a thin but fairly strong shell, from which they are easily separated. From one developed tree, with good yield, it is possible to obtain up to 70 kg of fruit. Fruit ripeness occurs at the end of September.

Loves sunny places, moist soils, grows well on carbonate loams with moderate moisture.

USDA Hardiness Zone: 4 (-34°C to -29°C).
See also