Cucumber is a pickled variety 10 PCS fresh seeds, Cucumber seeds, Vegetable seeds, Organic seeds, Heirloom seeds, Non GMO

Oreshka seeds
Cucumber is a pickled variety fresh seeds, Cucumber seeds, Vegetable seeds, Organic seeds, Heirloom seeds, Non GMO

Variety for open ground, bee-pollinated, productive, medium-ripened (44-48 days. from germination to the beginning of fruiting). It has excellent salting qualities. Relatively resistant to false powdery mildew. The fruits are large-browned, black-tipped, 10-12 cm long, 3-4 cm in diameter, without bitterness., crispy and fragrant.

Sowing: for seedlings - in the last decade of April-early May in pots. Temperature regime: during germination 23-25 ° C, after emergence -18 -20 ° C. Placement at a permanent place: disembarkation 25-30 days. seedlings of 3 rast / m2 or direct sowing in the ground to a depth of 1.5-2 cm in a well-warmed, organic-rich soil, after the threat of spring frosts has ended.

Care: do not form in the open ground. In greenhouses, they are grown on a trellis. To obtain earlier production, the shoots in the lower 5 internodes are pinched into one fruit and leaf. Then the lateral shoots are pinched to a height of 1-1.2 m. Then the plant is not formed. Abundant regular watering with settled water daily, fertilizing with mineral and organic fertilizers are recommended.

Harvesting: they are harvested every other day in the open ground and daily in greenhouses. Irregular collections reduce the yield and quality of the greens.
See also