Ginkgo biloba 5 PCS fresh seeds, Maidenhair tree, Ginkgo seeds, Gingko tree, Silver apricot tree, Bonsai, Tree seeds, Organic seeds, Non GMO

Oreshka seeds
Ginkgo biloba fresh seeds, Maidenhair tree, Ginkgo seeds, Gingko tree, Silver apricot tree, Bonsai, Tree seeds, Organic seeds, Non GMO (lat. Ginkgo biloba).

In culture, it reaches a height of 10-12 m, the branches of the tree whorl away from the trunk almost at right angles. The bark is brownish-gray, the leaves on long petioles are leathery, fan-shaped, about 9 cm wide.

Ginkgo biloba attracts attention primarily with unusual leaves divided into two blades and shaped like an open fan. Their special venation, which is called dichotomous, is considered the oldest, characteristic of ferns.

Ginkgo is a dioecious plant: pollen develops on male trees in spikelets resembling catkins, and on female trees - two ovules on long legs.

In autumn, the seeds ripen in a juicy amber-yellow shell, outwardly resembling an apricot, with a diameter of about 3 cm. Such a shell has an unpleasant smell of rancid oil.

Ginkgo biloba leaves contain biologically active substances, including unique compounds - ginkgolides and bilobalides.

Due to its originality, the beauty of the openwork crown, the fresh green color of the leaves in summer and the yellow-golden autumn, ginkgo biloba fully meets the needs of modern garden design.
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