Alnus glutinosa 50 PCS fresh seeds, Common alder, Black alder tree, European alder, European black alder, Alder tree seeds, Organic seeds

Oreshka seeds
Common alder, Black alder tree, European alder, European black alder, Alder tree seeds (lat. Alnus glutinosa).

A species of trees of the genus Alder (Alnus) of the Birch family (Betulaceae). Trees up to 35 m high, with a trunk up to 90 cm in diameter, often multi-stemmed. The branches are almost perpendicular to the trunk. The crown is pyramidal or ovoid in youth, eventually becomes rounded. It grows rapidly, especially at the age of 5 to 10 years. It reaches full development in 50-60 years. It usually lives up to 80-100 years. The root system is superficial, so black alder is susceptible to windfalls.

The bark of the trunk is initially greenish-brown, shiny, dotted with transverse lightish lentils, becomes dark, almost black or greenish-dark brown, cracked with age. A blackish layer of crust forms on the old trunks.

The buds are obovate, obtuse or insular, 9-15: 125 mm long, deflected, sticky at first, then dry, brownish-red or dark brown, densely covered with wax scabs, on legs, with a three-track leaf scar.

The leaves are alternate, simple, rounded or obovate, 4-9 cm long, 6-7 cm wide, blunt or with a small notch at the ends, broadly wedge-shaped or rounded at the base, whole-edged at the bottom, serrated or double-toothed above, 1-2 cm long on petioles. The young are very sticky, the adults are naked from above, dark green on both sides, faintly shiny, with dotted resinous glands, lighter from below, only with red beards of hairs in the corners of the veins.

Blooms in early spring, before the appearance of foliage, in April - May. Flowering before the leaves bloom provides great convenience for pollination of flowers. The fruit is a small nut 2-3 mm long and 2-2.5 mm wide, located in the coplodium, which develops from a green female earring, becoming dark reddish-brown by autumn.

Black alder is a rather demanding, frost-resistant, light-loving, but also shade-tolerant tree.
USDA Hardiness Zone: 3 (-40°C to -34°C).
See also