Cornus alba 20 PCS fresh seeds, White dogwood, Fire and ice dogwood tree, Red-barked dogwood shrub tree & white berry, Tartary Dogwood

Oreshka seeds
White dogwood (lat. Cornus alba)

Also, svidina belaya, svida belaya, telikrania belaya is a plant species native to Siberia, part of the genus Cornus of the Dogwood family (Cornaceae).
Deciduous shrub. A strong-branched deciduous shrub up to 3 m tall. The branches are bare, thin, flexible, straight, arched in old age. The color of the bark is coral-red, less often red-brown or black-red. The brightest bark is in young shoots. Young shoots are usually with a bluish bloom.
The leaves are opposite, 2-10 cm long and 1-7 cm wide, on petioles about 1 cm long, with three to five prominent arcuate veins. The leaf blade is elliptical or broadly elliptical in shape, whole-edged, covered on both sides with a short pressed (sometimes slightly spaced) pubescence, dark green above, bluish below. There are cultural forms with variation.
The flowers are collected in dense corymbs 3-5 cm in diameter at the ends of the branches. Pedicels are covered with dense pressed grayish and a few long reddish pubescence. Calyx with sharp short (0.1–0.3 mm long) teeth of a wide-triangular shape. Corolla with four white petals of a wide-lanceolate shape, 4-5 mm long.
Fruits are berry-shaped drupes, immature - bluish, when ripe — bluish-white, flattened. The bone is obliquely elliptical, thinning towards the ends.
White turf belongs to fast-growing, gas-resistant shrubs. It is quite shade-tolerant, but it grows well even in full light.
See also