Acer negundo 10 PCS fresh seeds, Maple leaf, Ashleaf maple tree, Boxelder, Manitoba maple seeds

Oreshka seeds
Ash-leaf maple, or American maple (lat. Acer negundo)

Deciduous tree up to 21 m (usually 12-15 m) in height and up to 90 cm (usually 30-60 cm) in diameter, with an uneven crown. The trunk is short, often at the base divided into several long, spreading, mostly curved shoots, which diverge unevenly in different directions and create a spasmodic crown.

The bark is thin, gray or light brown, with shallow intersecting grooves. The branches are green to purple in color, moderately strong, with narrow leaf scars, intersecting each other, often covered with grayish-green down.

The buds are white and fluffy; the lateral buds are pressed. The leaves are opposite, compound imparipinnate, have 3, 5, 7 leaflets, each of which is 15-18 cm long; the upper part is light green, the lower part is pale silvery-white. The leaves have rough serrated or lobed edges. Leaf shape varies, but individual leaves resemble the classic maple leaf. Autumn leaf color is predominantly yellow.

The plant is dioecious, meaning male and female flowers are located on different trees. Male flowers are collected in hanging bunches on thin petioles; their anthers are colored in reddish tones. The female inflorescences are yellow-green in color and are collected in a raceme-like inflorescence. It blooms in May - early June for 15 days.

The fruit is a lionfish, consisting of two wings with one seed in each, located at an angle of less than 60 degrees relative to each other. Each wing is about 4 cm long. The fruit ripens in August - October, but remains hanging on the tree until spring. Seeds without endosperms, 2-3 times longer than wide, noticeably wrinkled.

Undemanding to soils. Tolerates both dry and wet soils with high groundwater levels. Prefers well-moistened and drained loams with a slightly acidic reaction. Tolerates alkalization.

USDA Hardiness Zone: 3 (-40°C to -34°C).
See also