Fraxinus excelsior 20 fresh seeds | Common ash, European ash seeds

Oreshka seeds
Common ash (Fraxinus Excelsior) is a tree of the first size, reaching a height of 40 m and 1.7 m in diameter, with an elongated egg-shaped and then - highly raised, widely rounded, with thick, relatively rare, arched branches and thick shoots growing almost vertically upwards openwork crown. The life span of this tree is 150-350 years. The trunk is full-wood, the bark of young trees is greenish-gray, smooth, with age it becomes gray or dark gray with a large number of frequent cracks. Shoots are light gray or greenish, glabrous, with infrequent whitish lentils. The buds are coal-black, with small specks. Leaves are unpaired, appear after flowering, usually consist of 7-9 leaflets, less often - from 5-15. The inflorescence is a panicle. Blooms in may, fruits ripen in late August-September, a small part of the wings fall in winter, most of them hang on the tree until spring. Although common ash is a widespread species, its pure stands are rare and only found in small areas. After cutting, it forms a very fast-growing green growth. The tree retains its growth capacity for at least 70 years. Common ash is a thermophilic breed, in severe winters there is partial freezing of shoots and apical buds, in young plantings, leaf damage by spring frosts is frequent. With age, ash increases its resistance to low temperatures. Common ash is considered one of the most light-loving species, it can be considered that the undergrowth is more shade-tolerant compared to adult trees. The root system is powerful, with numerous roots, the taproot is not developed. Ash is demanding for soil fertility and humidity, grows well on gray forest loams and on sufficiently moist humus soils in floodplains; it reacts negatively to the presence of soda, sodium chloride, magnesium, and calcium in the soil, and does not tolerate high soil acidity. It tolerates strong soil compaction, transplanting, air pollution with dust and smoke.

Common ash reaches maturity in 100-120 years, the average trunk diameter at this age is from 31 to 54 cm. Ash is a ring-shaped tree species, wood with a brown core and a broad white, slightly yellowish sapwood. The transition of the core to the sapwood is gradual, unevenly wavy. There are several rows of large vessels in the early wood. The boundary of the annual layers is clearly visible. Late ash wood is denser and darker than early wood. The core rays are narrow and numerous. The core of the wood is brown, the sapwood is wide, with a beautiful pattern. The wood is strong, hard, viscous, elastic. The results of studies of the physical and mechanical properties of common ash wood, formed in different environmental conditions, indicate a greater strength of wood in fresh growing conditions compared to wet ones.

The Manchurian ash (Fraxinus mandshurica) is a species similar in many ways to the common ash. Manchurian ash-a tree of the first size, reaches a height of 25 m, and a diameter of 1.5 m. The trunk is straight, columnar, the crown is raised high, wide-rounded, openwork. This is one of the most common tree species in the South of the Far East. The bark is covered with thin cracks even in young trees, changing color with age from ash-gray to dark gray. Shoots and young branches are dark yellow or brown, with whitish lentils, buds are black or black-brown, glabrous. It grows quickly, after cutting it is well resumed by the growth from the stump, this ability is preserved up to 120-130 years. Lives up to 400 years. Blooms in early may before the leaves open, the fruits ripen in late September-October, fall off during the winter. Manchurian ash is one of the main forming species of broad-leaved and coniferous-broad-leaved forests of the East Asian coniferous-broad-leaved forest region. This type of ash is quite hardy, winter-hardy, but young shoots and leaves suffer from late spring frosts, light-loving, but grown up
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