Shrub up to 1.8 m tall. The shoots are often creeping, slightly tetrahedral, green.
Leaf blades are 2.5-7 cm long and 1-3 cm wide, obovate or elliptical.
Blooms in May-June. Inflorescences are simple, tri-flowered, or solitary flowers. Petals 3-4 mm long, broadly ovate. Stamens on filaments about 1 mm long, style about 1 mm.
The fruits are purple-red, but small and not as showy as other types of euonymus.
It grows in open areas, in mixed forests, among shrubs, on rocks and meadow slopes, mainly in river and stream valleys and near the seashore. Can be used as an ornamental plant in gardening.
Wind resistant. Dust, gas and smoke resistant. Transfers city conditions. Moderately heat and drought resistant. Tolerates pruning well. Moderately resistant to diseases, sometimes damaged by pests.
Undemanding to soil conditions, grows in a wide range of soil richness, acidity and texture. Does not tolerate stagnant moisture.