Sacred twig Latifolia 30 PCS fresh seeds, Vitex tree, Chaste tree, Chasteberry, Abraham's balm, Lilac chastetree, Monk's pepper, Rare seeds

Oreshka seeds
Sacred twig Latifolia, or Abraham's tree, or Vitex sacred, or Monk's pepper (lat. Vitex agnus-castus).

Tree-like shrub 4-8 m high. The entire plant is grey-tomentose with dense appressed hairs. The branches are brown, tetrahedral, with a pungent aroma. The root is taproot, well branched, with a large number of adventitious roots.

The leaves are large, green, 5-10 cm long.

The flowers are numerous, pale lilac, two-lipped, collected in dense intermittent paniculate-spike-shaped inflorescences at the tops of the branches. The calyx is five-membered, fused-leaved, tubular in shape, three times shorter than the corolla, up to 9 mm long. Four stamens protruding high above the corolla. The color of the corolla is pale blue.

The fruit is a black, dry four-locular spherical drupe with a diameter of 3-4 mm. Fruiting is annual and abundant.

It blooms from June to the end of October, bears fruit in October - November.

It is undemanding to soils, grows on rocky, sandy, loamy soils, and is salt-tolerant. It grows along the banks of rivers and ditches, along ravines, on the coast, and forms small thickets. Cultivated in gardens as an ornamental plant. Pollinated by insects, partial self-pollination possible. Lives up to 55-62 years.

USDA Hardiness Zone: 6 (-23°C to -18°C).
See also