Betula jacquemontii 100 PCS fresh seeds, Birch tree seeds, Jacquemont 's birch tree, Betula seeds

Oreshka seeds
Jacquemont birch, Himalayan birch (lat. Betula jacquemontii)

Deciduous tree up to 25 m high with white bark and short-pubescent, sometimes resinous-ferruginous shoots.

The leaves are green, ovate, wedge-shaped or rounded at the base, somewhat leathery, equipped with glands on the inside, arranged alternately. In autumn the foliage turns yellow or golden yellow. Leaf petioles are pubescent.

Inflorescences are fertile cylindrical catkins, up to 1.2 cm long, sitting on long pubescent stalks. The bracts have oblong lobes, the middle lobe being longer than the others.

The fruit is a winged nut. It blooms in the first half of May, the fruits ripen in September.

Moisture-loving. Loose, well-moistened soils are preferred. It is photophilous, but tolerates not continuous shade. Frost-resistant, does not need shelter for the winter, except for young plants, they can freeze in harsh winters.

USDA Hardiness Zone: 6 (-23°C to -18°C).
See also