Rock oak seeds. Durmast oak. Quеrcus pеtraea acorns. SEEDS 10 PCS.
Oreshka seeds
Rock oak (Latin: Quercus pertraea) is a tree of the genus oak (Quercus) of the Beech family (Fagaceae). It is one of the national symbols of Wales, where it is also called the Welsh oak. It is included in the Red books of Belarus, Ukraine and the Transcarpathian region.
It is a large deciduous tree 20-40 meters high with a regular, egg-shaped crown for young plants, and tent-shaped-rounded for old ones. The bark of the trunk is smooth, brownish-olive, in old specimens — narrowly cracked. Shoots and twigs are glabrous, evenly deciduous. Buds 0.5-1.5 cm long, elongated or round-oval, with ciliated scales on the edge. Leaves up to 12 cm long, obovate, oblong, with 5-9 pairs of elongated, whole-edged or large-toothed blades, the longest in the middle part of the leaf blade. Petiole up to 2.5 cm. The fruit is an acorn from 1.5 to 3.5 cm (usually 2-3) long and 1-2 cm wide, surrounded by a Cup-shaped woody plume at 1⁄2-1⁄3 length, Matures within six months; the plume is about 1 cm high and 1.5 cm in diameter, with almost flat or slightly swollen triangular-lanceolate, gray-pubescent scales, elongated into a brownish tip.
On the territory of the former USSR, it grows wildly in the North Caucasus, Crimea, the South of the Baltic States, and the Western part of Ukraine. It is found in many reserves of the Caucasus, Crimea, and the European part of Russia. It has been introduced into the culture for a long time, it is found in parks in Ukraine, in the Crimea, on Absheron, in Tallinn, Tartu, and Riga. In Central Asia, it grows only when watered.
It is less demanding to the richness and humidity of the soil than the petiolated oak, it is comparable to it in speed of growth, it is drought-resistant and durable. Decorative, great for planting in large and small groups, arrays, for single and alley planting.
Seeds are stored for spring sowing in moistened sand in the basement or trench. In autumn, sow after collecting and air drying. Soil germination is usually about 90 %. The depth of seeding is 5.6 cm.