Pubescent oak / Downy oak (Quercus pubescens) 10 seeds
Oreshka seeds
Bushy oak (lat. Quércus pubéscens is a species of tree in the genus Oak of the Beech family (Fagaceae).
The range of the species is the Northern part of Transcaucasia, southern Europe and Asia Minor. Forms xerophytic woodlands on lime-containing rocks. Very light-loving xerophyte.[1] Grows in the forests of the lower belt on the southern slopes of the mountains, rising to an altitude of 400 meters above sea level. Gives high-calorie fuel. Seedlings of downy oak are used as a rootstock for unstable to frost and drought species of oak.
Low tree (up to 10 meters) with a wide crown, sometimes even a shrub. The trunk is often tortuous. Young shoots strongly pubescent.
Leaves 5-10 cm long, very variable in shape and size, with 4-8 pairs of blunt or pointed blades, dark green above, glabrous, gray-green below, pubescent. Scales of the involucre surrounding an acorn, fluffy.