Caragana frutex 20 PCS fresh seeds, Сaragana bushy yellow acacia fresh seeds

Oreshka seeds
Caragana bush (lat. Caragana frutex)

Shrub no more than 2 m high; shoots are thin, ribbed, brownish. It is growing strongly.

The shoots are brownish, glabrous, with falling spiny stipules. Leaves with 2-8 pairs of leaflets. The leaves are thin, 1.9-3 cm long and 0.8-1.2 cm wide, obovate, with a wedge-shaped base, a blunt or notched apex, crowned with short bristles.

The flowers are light yellow, about 2 cm long. Beans are 2-4 cm long. Blooms in May-June. The fruits ripen in July-August.

It grows in mixed and deciduous forests, in the undergrowth, in clearings and forest edges, on dry slopes, near rocks and placers, in groups and small thickets, sometimes on hummocks among damp valley forests. It rises into the mountains up to 600 m above sea level.

Tolerates soil compaction, drought-resistant, smoke-resistant, frost-resistant, honey plant.

USDA Hardiness Zone: 2 (-45°C to -40°C).
See also