Green grapes Husayn Kelin Barmak 10 PCS fresh seeds, Green Husain striped, Grape var. of ladies' fingers, Vitis, Grapevines, Fruit vine seeds

Oreshka seeds
Green Husayn grapes or Ladies' fingers (Latin Vitis green Husayn Kelin Barmak, Husain striped)

Medium-ripened variety. The bush is strong-growing. Shoots grow fast enough and reach 4-5 m in adult plants . The vine is long, needs props. The branches are covered with bright green leaves. The leaf plates are medium-sized, divided into 3 or 5 blades, covered with a small fringe on the wrong side.

The berries are long and large. The fruits grow up to 4 cm in length and 2.5 cm in width. The average weight of each berry is 5-7 g. The peel of the grapes is thin and elastic, when ripe it is covered with a small wax coating. There are practically no bones in the berries. Or there are no more than a couple of pieces in one berry, and they are quite soft. The flesh is sweet and juicy, crunching on the teeth. The taste is sweet and sour.

Up to 10 tons of product can be collected from one hectare of the territory. And a gardener can get about 10 kg from one bush.
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