Succulent Cactus Gymnocalycium neuhuberi GN-77 Seeds

Oreshka seeds

Introducing the Exquisite Gymnocalycium neuhuberi GN-77

For those passionate about succulents, the Gymnocalycium neuhuberi GN-77 is a must-have. This unique cactus, with its spherical or hemispherical shape, is a testament to nature's artistry. Its gray-green hue, combined with a fine-grained epidermis, makes it a visual delight.

Characteristics that Distinguish

The Gymnocalycium neuhuberi GN-77 stands out with its distinctive shape, reaching up to 4.8 cm in height and 7 cm in diameter. But its beauty isn't just skin deep. This cactus blooms with funnel-shaped flowers that are pale purple or lilac in color, stretching between 27-36 mm in length and 26-34 mm in diameter, sometimes even more.

Origins and Natural Habitat

Native to the arid terrains, the Gymnocalycium neuhuberi GN-77 has evolved to thrive in challenging conditions. Its unique appearance serves as a camouflage, blending seamlessly with its rocky surroundings, thus protecting it from potential threats.

Caring for Your Gymnocalycium neuhuberi GN-77

Despite its exotic origins, this cactus is relatively low-maintenance, making it perfect for both novice and experienced gardeners. Here are some care tips to ensure its well-being:

  • Watering: Like most succulents, it doesn't require frequent watering. Ensure the soil is completely dry before the next watering session.
  • Light: It thrives in sunlight. If indoors, ensure it's placed near a window that receives ample sunlight.
  • Soil: A well-draining soil mix is ideal. Consider using a cactus or succulent blend.
  • Temperature: Warm temperatures are preferred. Protect it from frost during colder months.

Why Opt for Gymnocalycium neuhuberi GN-77?

Its unique aesthetics, combined with its resilience and low maintenance requirements, make the Gymnocalycium neuhuberi GN-77 a coveted choice for plant enthusiasts. Whether you're looking to add a touch of the exotic to your collection or seeking a plant that's easy to care for, this cactus fits the bill.


The world of succulents offers a plethora of choices, but the Gymnocalycium neuhuberi GN-77 stands out with its unique appearance and vibrant blooms. Whether you're a seasoned gardener or just starting out, this cactus promises to be a valuable addition to your collection. Dive into the world of succulents and let the Gymnocalycium neuhuberi GN-77 be the star of your garden.

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