Tobacco Japan oriental 300+ PCS fresh seeds, Nicotiana tabacum, Tobacco seeds for planting & growing, Organic seeds, Non GMO, Heirloom seeds
Oreshka seeds
Tobacco Japan oriental fresh seeds, Tobacco seeds for planting & growing, Organic seeds, Non GMO, Heirloom seeds (lat. Nicotiana tabacum).
It is a compact shrub reaching 1.6 m in height with long narrow leaves and white flowers. The leaves are on average 20 cm wide and about 70-80 cm long. Leaves with a narrow neck, dark green in color. The number of leaves is 24-26 pieces.
Drying can be both air and solar. This variety is excellent as a mixture. When air-dried, the leaves have dark brown tones and give a soft smoke with an aroma similar to licorice. Mid-late variety. The aging period is from 70 to 80 days.
It is resistant to leaf podgar and many tobacco diseases. Gives a high stable yield. The variety is unpretentious to growing conditions and easy to process.