Tobacco Talgar 300+ PCS fresh seeds, Nicotiana tabacum, Tobacco seeds for planting & growing, Organic seeds, Non GMO, Heirloom seeds

Oreshka seeds
Tobacco Talgar fresh seeds, Nicotiana tabacum, Tobacco seeds for planting & growing, Organic seeds, Non GMO, Heirloom seeds (lat. Nicotiana tabacum).

Semi-oriental skeletal air-drying variety. The bush is cone-shaped with a height of about 1.5 m with pink flowers. The number of technical leaves is 20-22. The leaf is oval, light green in size 33x16 cm.

It is quite unpretentious and recommended for cultivation for beginners-tobacco growers. The leaves of the Talgarsky variety are prone to podgar, so it is necessary to clean the leaf in a timely manner.
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