Tobacco Basma Jebel 300+ PCS fresh seeds, Nicotiana tabacum, Tobacco seeds for planting & growing, Organic seeds, Non GMO, Heirloom seeds

Oreshka seeds
Tobacco Basma Jebel fresh seeds, Tobacco seeds for planting & growing, Organic seeds, Non GMO, Heirloom seeds (lat. Nicotiana tabacum).

Medium-ripened. The aging period is up to 70 days. The bush is about 1.5 m high . The shape of the plant is cylindrical. The flower is pink. The leaf is sessile, green, the leaf plate is oval. The number of leaves is 28-30, the length of the leaf of the middle tier is 33 cm, the width is 20 cm.

The variety is not resistant to diseases. The raw material is light yellow to golden orange in color with a delicate and elastic fabric rich in resins. It has a typical oriental aroma, delicious taste and burns well. The nicotine content is usually low.
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