Turkish honey apricot 5 PCS fresh seeds, Armeniaca

Oreshka seeds
Turkish honey apricot (Lat. Armeniaca)

The variety has slightly larger fruits — 15 g, also yellow, without blush, with a barely noticeable number of red dots on top. The flesh is medium in both juiciness and density, yellow in color, with a well-separated bone. The fruits are sweet, not bitter, not sour.
The tree is able to tolerate winter frosts up to -40°C, is not as susceptible to freezing and does not suffer as much from spring return frosts as southern varieties. Trees of the Honey variety grow quite tall — up to 4-5 m, the crown is spreading, about 4 m in diameter. It enters fruiting in the 5th year, the harvest from one tree is 20-30 kg.
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