Plum large-fruited oblong varieties of prunes 5 PCS fresh seeds, Plum, Prunus tree seeds, Fruit tree seeds, Organic seeds, Non GMO

Oreshka seeds
Plum large-fruited oblong varieties of prunes, Plum varieties of prunes (lat. Prunus)

A variety of medium-late ripening period. The plum is self-fertile, bears fruit abundantly, but with partial frequency. The variety is quite hardy and relatively resistant to fungal diseases.
The advantage of the variety is self-fruitfulness, high yield, winter resistance, drought resistance, good taste and external attractiveness of fruits, from which very tasty dried fruits are obtained.
The tree is strong-growing, with an oval sparsely leaved crown. The bark is smooth, light gray, the skeletal branches are thick, extending at an angle of 45° and 60°. The leaves are medium-sized, egg-shaped. The leaf blade is thick, leathery, corrugated, the bottom is green, with brown pubescence along the main vein. The flowers in the crown are arranged evenly, crowded into one, two, or less often three flowers from the bud. The petals are medium-sized, white, slightly closed. "Prunes" usually bloom together with the opening of the leaves.
The fruits are large – from 47 to 56 grams, have an equalized rounded or rounded-elongated shape. On the rounded tip of the fruit there is a point depression in the center, less often it is shifted towards the seam. The seam looks like a narrow dark stripe.
The color of the plums is blue-purple. The skin of the fruit is thick, rough, and tastes sour with bitterness. The skin is poorly separated from the pulp. The flesh itself is greenish-yellow, juicy, grainy-fibrous, sweet. The pulp is easily separated from the bone. The bone of the "Prunes" is also large – up to 18 grams and flat in shape.
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