Persimmon tree varietal Mix of popular varieties 10 PCS fresh seeds, Diospyros seeds, The Date Plum seeds, Fruit tree seeds
Oreshka seeds
Persimmon varietal Mix of popular varieties (lat. Diospyros)
A genus of subtropical and tropical deciduous or evergreen trees and shrubs of the Ebony family (Ebenaceae). Trees can live up to five hundred years. In many species, the fruits are edible, some tropical species serve as a source of valuable wood - ebony. Their distinctive feature is the fruit of a characteristic shape and structure: this is a fairly large fleshy berry that contains a dozen seeds. The plant is native to the south of Asia, so most Persimmon species are thermophilic and prefer conditions with high humidity. Persimmon is a long-lived plant in the world. Even medium-sized shrubs can be very old, having lived for several hundred years. Large trees live for about five hundred years. The number of cultivated persimmon species exceeds two hundred varieties. There are both seedless and seedless varieties of persimmon. Both the plants themselves and their fruits have a wide variety of forms. South American varieties have the largest fruits. The size of their fruits can reach 900 g; these are large and sweet berries with a dark brown, "chocolate" color. In the Caucasus and Greece, persimmon is cultivated with small fruits weighing no more than 40 g. The variety "Sharon" is widely distributed in the Mediterranean, in which there are no seeds and the tannin content is very low compared to other varieties. A separate group is represented by the so-called "kings". The fruits of the kinglets are formed differently depending on how pollination occurred: they acquire an astringent taste and a bright orange color if pollination has not occurred and a brownish tint and a sweet taste if pollination has occurred. The fruits of almost all varieties of persimmon have a distinctive property: despite a sufficiently high sugar content in them (more than 25%), they do not lead to an increase in its level in the blood. That is why persimmon is recommended to be used as a maintenance therapy for many diseases. The height of the plant, depending on the variety, can vary widely (bushes - up to 5 m, trees - up to 15 m). Persimmon does not belong to evergreen trees – its foliage is renewed once a year, although the period of the "leafless" existence of the plant is relatively short. The leaves have an oval shape, pointed at the end. From above they are shiny, from below they have a matte shade. In autumn, about two months before they fall off, they turn bright red. Most persimmon species are capable of self-pollination, however, monoecious plants are also found. Persimmon fruits are from 2 to 15 cm in diameter. The fruits remain hanging on the trees after the leaves have completely fallen off, since their maturation occurs somewhat later. By the time they ripen, their peel becomes yellowish-red. The color shades of the pulp can be very diverse. The flesh of a fully ripe persimmon has a slimy or jelly-like consistency. The fruit contains from 3 to 10 large seeds, some species may lack seeds. The yield is about 60-120 kg from a medium-sized tree. The fruit ripening time falls in autumn: depending on the variety, it can occur from September to November. Photophilous. Prefers areas protected from the wind. Winter-hardy, tolerates frosts down to −20°C. Prefers light acidic and neutral soils. It loves moisture, but tolerates dry soil. The root system is deep taproot. USDA Hardiness Zone: 6 (-23°C to -17°C).