Feijoa sellowiana 20 PCS fresh seeds, Acca sellowiana, Feijoa seeds, Pineapple guava, Guavasteen, Fruit tree seeds, Organic seeds, Non GMO

Oreshka seeds
Feijoa sellowiana fresh seeds, Acca sellowiana, Feijoa seeds, Pineapple guava, Guavasteen, Fruit tree seeds, Organic seeds, Non GMO (lat. Acca sellowiana, Feijoa sellowiana).

A large evergreen spreading shrub or tree up to 4 m high. The root system lies rather superficially in the soil. Trunk with greenish-brown rough bark.

The leaves are entire-edged, oval, hard, leathery, on short petioles, light green-gray (bluish) below, pubescent, smooth, dark green above.

The flowers are four-membered, solitary, paired or several in a corymbose inflorescence, bisexual, with numerous stamens, white at the edges and pink closer to the center; self-sterile, pollinated by insects; blooms in May - June.

The fruit is a large, fleshy, juicy berry with sepals remaining on the top; dark green in color, oval in shape, length from 2 to 5, diameter from 1.5 to 3-4, weight from 15 to 60 g. The aroma and taste of the berry pulp resembles strawberries, pineapple and kiwi. The seeds are surrounded by a white translucent acidic pulp; the peel is from yellow-green smooth to dark green lumpy, sometimes with an anthocyanin coating.

Begins to bear fruit at 6-7 years of age. There is no frequency of fruiting.

The fruits are used in cooking, preparing compotes, lemonades, purees and salads; after cleaning, they are ground and mixed with honey or sugar, used for filling in baked goods and consumed raw.

A suitable option would be sandy or loamy soils, which are loose, fertile, moisture- and air-permeable, and slightly acidic (6.5 pH).

USDA Hardiness Zone: 8 (-12°C to -7°C).
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