Amelanchier spicata fresh seeds, Low juneberry, Thicket shadbush, Dwarf serviceberry, Low serviceberry, Fruit tree, Organic seeds (lat. Amelanchier spicata).
A fast-growing resin-bearing shrub of dry, rocky places, growing from 30 to 120 cm in height, sometimes up to 200 cm. The plant is highly rhizomatous, forms up to 100 cuttings and forms, in the wild, scattered colonies. The spiky irga is a member of a fairly large genus of plants in the pink family.
The leaves are alternate, broadly elliptical, ovate or oval, 2.5-6 cm long, 2-3.5 cm wide. The leaf tip is short-pointed, the base is rounded or heart-shaped. Young leaves are olive-green in color. The leaves on the underside at the beginning of the growing season are felt, later bare. Along the edge of the leaf there are small sharp teeth that do not reach the base of the plate, usually 5-7 teeth per 1 cm in length. Leaves without noticeable autumn color. Stipules are linear, pubescent, rapidly falling off.
The flowers are numerous, white. The diameter of the flower is 16-24 mm. The sepals are sharp, oblong-triangular, 2-3 mm long. The petals are 6-10 mm long, oblong-oval. There are 20 stamens with bare threads in the flower, 5 columns of pistils grow together to about half. The ovary is lower. A short and narrow brush is directed vertically, 8-12 cm long with 4-10 flowers, resembles an ear. Especially abundant flowering and fruiting occurs on the apical shoots of last year.
Mature fruits are purplish-black with a bluish bloom, erect sepals are preserved with fruits, the tip of the ovary is densely hairy. Fruit type - apple, diameter - up to 10 mm. Unripe fruits are red. Ripen in July-August. The seeds are spread by birds. The fruits are eaten fresh, processed into jam, pastille, jelly, wine.