Granny Smith apple tree 10 PCS fresh seeds, Apple tree, Malus, Apple seeds, Malus domestica, Domestic apple, Fruit tree seeds, Organic seeds

Oreshka seeds
Granny Smith apple tree fresh seeds, Apple tree, Malus, Apple seeds, Malus domestica, Domestic apple, Fruit tree seeds, Organic seeds (lat. Malus Granny Smith).

Medium-sized half-dwarf Granny Smith has a height of two and a half to three and a half meters. The apple tree grows rapidly for the first five years, after which the growth slows down. The spreading crown has the shape of a ball. Annual shoots require regular pruning, otherwise the tree will overgrow.

The smooth bark is olive colored. The flowering time of the apple tree falls at the end of April - beginning of May. White-pink flowers with a diameter of 5 cm abundantly sprinkle the whole tree. A neat apple tree all in bloom looks very beautiful. Rounded smooth leaves of the plant end with an elongated tip. The leaves are rich green on top, the greens have a grayish tint on the bottom.

The fruiting period of the plant is 8-10 years, starting from 2-3 years of life. The fruits are large, over 300 g, with a lack of heat, medium, rounded, oval or truncated-conical, green or yellowish-green in color, on the sunny side with a cloudy red-brown tan. The flesh is greenish-white, dense, juicy.

Characteristic sweet and sour taste, firm consistency, relatively little sugar, almost no flavor, unripe fruits are fresh.

The trees of the variety are frost-resistant, bring a good harvest and are easy to care for, their fruits are large and rich in vitamins and trace elements.

They are widely used for making pies and salads, since, when cut, they do not darken for a long time.
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