Black Chokeberry 20+ PCS fresh seeds, Aronia melanocarpa seeds
Oreshka seeds
Aronia chokeberry, or Chokeberry (Latin Aronia melanocarpa)
A fruit tree or shrub, a species of the genus Aronia of the Pink family. Aronia chernoplodnaya is grown as a food, ornamental and medicinal shrub. Aronia chernoplodnaya is a highly branching shrub, up to 2.5—3 meters high, in its natural range (eastern North America) usually reaches 0.5-2 m, rarely 4 meters in height. At a young age, the crown is compressed, compact; at maturity, it becomes spreading and reaches 1.5-2 meters in diameter. Annual shoots are red-brown, then dark gray. Leaves 2.5-7 × 2.5-3.5 cm. Starting from the second half of September, the leaves are colored in red-purple tones. The flowers are bisexual, small, with a double perianth, with five free petals, white or slightly pinkish, collected in dense inflorescences in the form of complex shields with a diameter of 5-6 cm. There are 18-20 stamens in the flower. Flowering begins in the second half of May - early June; depending on weather conditions, flowering lasts 12-16 days. The anthers are purple in color and slightly rise above the stigmas. Blooms in late spring - early summer after leafing for 10-14 days. The fruits are spherical, less often compressed-rounded, black or black-purple, shiny, with a bluish bloom, 6-8 mm in diameter, edible, sour-sweet taste with astringent tart taste. The weight of one fruit is 0.6-1.5 grams. The fruits of the bred varieties are larger. The fruits ripen in August, September. Aronia is a hardy, light-loving breed. In view of the roots located close to the surface of the earth, the plant is demanding of moisture. The root system is highly developed and widespread in the area of the crown of the shrub.