Viburnum lantana 30+ PCS fresh seeds, Wayfarer, Wayfaring tree, English wildflower, Fruit tree seeds, Organic seeds, Non GMO
Oreshka seeds
Wayfarer, Wayfaring tree, English wildflower (lat. Viburnum lantana)
A shrub or tree up to 6 m tall. Young twigs and buds are grayish, hairy-pubescent. The bark of the three-year-old age is cracked, gray. The crown is thick. The leaves are 5-10 cm long, on petioles up to 3 cm, ovate or obovate, most often with a pointed end and a rounded base, with a slightly toothed edge. The upper surface of the leaf blade is rough, dark green, the lower one is felt-pubescent, then velvety-pubescent. The flowers are fruit-forming, identical, collected at the ends of young branches in dense umbellate pubescent inflorescences up to 10 cm in diameter. The corolla is creamy-white, about 7 mm in diameter. The stamens are long, with yellow anthers. The fruits are flattened or ovoid, green, change color as they mature, becoming first red, then black.