Wild forest lingonberry (lat. Vaccinium vitis-idaea).
An evergreen shrub, the shoots of which sometimes have to make their way in a rotten stump between the bark and wood, can reach a length of 1 m, while those growing nearby on the ground usually have a height of 8 to 15 cm. The rhizome is creeping horizontal with rising branched shoots 15 in height -20 cm.
Flowers on short pedicels are bisexual, regular, collected 10-20 in dense, drooping clusters at the apex. The corolla is 4-6.5 mm long, white or pale pink, competal, bell-shaped, with four slightly deflected lobes.
The fruits are red multi-seeded spherical shiny berries up to 8 mm in diameter, bearing a dried calyx at the top, with a sweet and sour taste. The seeds are reddish-brown, slightly crescent-shaped. The fruits ripen in August - September, after the first frosts they become soft and watery (and not transportable), they can overwinter under the snow until spring, but in the spring the berries fall off at the slightest touch.
She is demanding of light, prefers light forests. It can also grow in shady places, although it blooms poorly in the shade and bears almost no fruit. It is cold-resistant, tolerates snowless, frosty winters well, and grows further north and higher in the mountains than blueberries. It is undemanding to soils: it often grows in poor and strongly acidic soils.