Crataegus calpodendron 15 fresh seeds. Pear Hawthorn seeds

Oreshka seeds
A tree up to 5 m tall, often growing bushy, covered with light gray or dark brown, furrowed bark. The branches are sinuous, light gray, rising or often almost horizontally prostrate, form a broad flat crown; the shoots are initially gray-felt, later short-pubescent, dark brown, in the second year ash-gray. The spines on the branches are few, 2.5-3.7 cm long, dull, ash-gray or absent; the trunks often have very large strong branched spines.

Leaves are ovate or elliptical, with a pointed apex and gradually wedge-shaped narrowed whole-edged base, in the upper part shallowly lobed, acutely biconvex,5-12. 5 cm long, 2.5—7.5 cm wide, thin, dense, dull, bluish-green, rough above, pubescent below, bright orange or red in autumn. Petioles 1.2-2 cm long, glandular; stipules small, lanceolate, Pilate, quickly fall off.

Inflorescences are complex, corymbose, multi-flowered, 6-12 cm in diameter, with hairy pubescent axes. Flowers about 1.3 cm in diameter, with white petals; hypanthium white pubescent; sepals lanceolate, sharp, glandular-Pilate; stamens 20, with pale pink anthers; columns 2-3.

The fruits are numerous, in erect clusters, pear-shaped or ellipsoid, 12-15 mm long, 5-10 mm in diameter, dull orange-red, Mature translucent, with orange-yellow, juicy, sweet flesh. Bones 2-3, rounded at the ends, 5-6 mm long, deeply notched on the back, depressed on the sides.

Flowering in June. Fruiting in October, the fruits often remain until the following spring.

In culture since 1747 and is quite widely used in gardens and parks. Especially decorative in autumn with bright foliage coloring and an abundance of fruits. In Saint Petersburg and Moscow, it is hardy and bears fruit.
See also