Plum black large-fruited round 5 PCS fresh seeds, Prunus nigra, Canada plum, Canadian plum, Black plum, Fruit tree seeds, Organic seeds
Oreshka seeds
Plum black large-fruited round, Prunus nigra, Canada plum, Canadian plum, Black plum (lat. Prunus nigra)
The tree is vigorous, has a medium-branched oval crown with sparse leaves. The top of the tree is narrow, rounded, the base of the crown is wide, rounded, the diameter of the plum trunk reaches 18 cm. The variety belongs to the mid-late period of fruit ripening, it is self-fertile, and is distinguished by good yields. The winter hardiness of the trees is high, as is the resistance to major diseases of plums.
The leaves of the tree are small, round and dark green. Flower buds have a conical shape, their apex is pointed, length is 5 mm, diameter is 3.
The flowers are evenly distributed throughout the tree. The corolla of the flower is flat, the average diameter is 2.5 cm. The flower petals are obovate, the length is within a centimeter, the width is half less than the length. The color of the flowers is white, the petals are loosely closed.
The fruits are round or roundly elongated, dark blue in color. The top of the plum is round and has a small depression. The skin of the fruit is thick and rough, tightly adjacent to the pulp. The pulp itself is green with a yellowish tint, sweet and juicy, and is easily separated from the large flat seed.
Plum soil needs fertile, loose soil with a neutral or slightly alkaline reaction (pH 7 - 7.5). The plant does not tolerate close groundwater.