Set of seeds - Northern Forest berries / Northern Forest berries

Oreshka seeds
Set of seeds - Northern Forest berries / Northern Forest berries

The seed set consists of:
Wild boneberry seeds, Wild blueberry seeds, Wild strawberry seeds, Wild strawberry seeds, Wild cranberry seeds, yellow strawberry seeds.

Kostyanika lesnaya seeds:
Kostyanika (Rubus saxatilis) is a small perennial herb up to 30 cm tall with long sprawling shoots up to 1.5 m long, rooting by autumn.

Wild blueberry seeds:
Blueberries, or common blueberries, or myrtle-leaved blueberries (lat. Vaccinium myrtíllus) is a low-growing shrub, a species of the genus Vaccinium of the Heather family (previously this genus was sometimes isolated in the family Lingonberry). The berries are edible. Berries and leaves are used for medicinal purposes. Sometimes blueberries are also grown for decorative purposes on alpine slides.

Wild strawberry seeds: Wild
strawberry (sometimes translated: Wild strawberry, European strawberry; cultivated varieties: Alpine strawberry) (Latin Fragaria vesca) is a plant species of the genus Strawberry of the Rose family.

Wild strawberries seeds:
Wild wild strawberries (Fragaria viridis). The seeds are collected in the Ural Mountains.

Lingonberry forest seeds:
Lingonberry is an evergreen low shrub with dark green leathery oval leaves, which can be found in pine forests, in birch and spruce forests. Cranberry twigs rise above the ground no more than 20 cm. In May and June, they are decorated with small tassels with pale pink flowers in the shape of bells. In autumn, in August, they turn into dark red balls-berries. The bushes live up to 100 years.

Strawberry yellow seeds:
Remontant, beardless, high-yielding, winter-hardy variety. In taste and aroma, it surpasses all known red-fruit varieties. It bears fruit abundantly until frost. Berries weighing 4-6 g, fragrant, very sweet. Mature fruits of a beautiful light yellow color. They are not bitten by birds.

Included seeds:
Wood boneberry seeds 30 pcs;
Wild blueberry seeds 30 pcs;
Wild strawberry seeds 30 pcs;
Wild strawberry seeds 30 pcs;
Lingonberry forest seeds 15 pcs;
Strawberry yellow seeds 30 pcs.

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