Golden Apple Tree 15 PCS fresh seeds

Oreshka seeds
The Golden tree is medium-sized, but among the representatives of the variety there are dwarf and tall forms. Young plants are distinguished by a cone-shaped crown, which at a more mature age under the weight of apples takes on a rounded shape. Sometimes the fruit branches of the Golden Apple tree hang so low that the tree resembles a willow. The trunk is covered with dense, smooth bark of a bluish hue.
The brown shoots with green veins are particularly thick, they are slightly pubescent, with oval lentils. The bright green leaves are formed by a smooth leaf blade and saw-like edges. Slightly pubescent with lanceolate stipules, they sit on long petioles. The shape of the Golden leaf is oval: rounded at the base, elongated to the tip.
Excellent harvests of Golden apples are observed for 10 years, then the number of fruits directly depends on the quality of care and the implementation of all necessary agrotechnical measures. Climate indicators play a role. The duration of Golden fruiting is 15-20 years.
Apples are characterized by the following indicators: an
average weight of up to 170 g;
rounded-conical shape;
dense skin with a rough surface;
light green or golden yellow color;
dense and at the same time juicy pulp of sweet taste.
This is a winter variety, the harvest of apples falls at the end of October. They have a good shelf life and do not lose their marketable qualities until mid-spring when properly stored.
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