Houndstongue 20+ fresh seeds. Cynoglossum officinale seeds

Oreshka seeds
SYN.: medunka dog dog root, henbane red, blind chicken, epochta, scrofulous grass, live grass, the enforcer, goose, cat soap, kuzuha, lopusnik, lideika, medunka, Burr, of alagnak steppe, Salines, melcocha, worm grass pochechuynaya grass.

A perennial herbaceous plant with a characteristic, unpleasant smell. A unique medicinal plant that has analgesic, anti-inflammatory, soothing, astringent, expectorant properties, as well as a good insecticidal effect (especially against insects and rodents). Medicinal properties are highly valued in folk medicine and in dermatology.
Chernokoren medicinal - plant non-Pharmacopoeia, official medicine does not apply. The beneficial properties of the plant root are used in homeopathy.

Contraindications and side effects

Due to the toxicity of medicinal blackcorn, preparations (infusions, tinctures, decoctions) based on it for medicinal purposes should be used (externally) with great caution. It is not recommended to use the plant (especially inside) for medicinal purposes during pregnancy and lactation, as well as children. After preparing preparations based on it, you must wash your hands thoroughly.

Blackcorn officinale (Latin: Cynoglossum officinale) – belongs to the Genus blackcorn (Latin: Cynoglossum), Borage family (Latin: Boraginaceae). The genus includes up to 70 species of one -, two-, and perennial grasses that grow in temperate and subtropical zones, as well as in the mountains of the Northern hemisphere, mainly in dry habitats. In Russia, including the CIS countries – 9 species.

Botanical description
Perennial, 30-100 cm tall. The root system is rod-shaped. The stem is erect, often branched in the upper part, gently pubescent. Leaves alternate, simple, without stipules, elongated-elliptic (lower), 8-30 cm long, elongated-lanceolate (stem), 4-17 cm long, pointed at the top. Apical leaves are sessile, semi-stem-embracing. The flowers are small (5-7 mm in diameter), dirty red, dark purple, purple, bisexual, regular, in whorls, often collected in thyrsoid inflorescences. Perianth is double, 5-membered. Calyx cristalina (sometimes svobodnaia). Corolla with a wheel-shaped or bell-shaped bend and a tube of various lengths. 5 stamens, the stamen filaments are attached to the Corolla tube. Upper ovary. Fruits at maturity break up into 4 nut-shaped parts (eremas), set with prehensile hook-shaped spines (adaptation to the spread of animals). Blooms from may to September. Propagated by seeds and buds on the root neck, which can form young shoots. Garden black root grows abundantly and for a long time, it is very unpretentious to care.

In European Russia, it grows almost everywhere (more often in the steppe zone), in the South of Western and Eastern Siberia. In the Northern territories, the plant is much less common. Prefers weeds, wasteland, landfills, cliffs, slopes, ditches, river banks, steppe (dry) meadows, edges of pine forests, shrubs, field margins, railway embankments and roadsides.
See also