Setaria glauca 30 PCS fresh seeds, Yellow foxtail grass seeds, Golden goxtail, Wild millet, Setaria seeds, Herb seeds, Organic seeds

Oreshka seeds
Setaria glauca fresh seeds, Yellow foxtail grass seeds, Golden goxtail, Wild millet, Setaria seeds, Herb seeds, Organic seeds (lat. Setaria glauca).

A genus of annual plants from the family of Cereals, or Bluegrass (Poaceae). Annual plant 4-50 cm tall, more or less branched at the base. The stems are erect, glabrous, rough under the inflorescence. The leaves are broadly linear, bluish, up to 12 mm wide, rough on top.

The inflorescence is cylindrical, thick, up to 10 cm long. Spikelets on short legs, single-flowered, ovate, about 3 mm long, surrounded by rough yellow or reddish bristles, exceeding the spikelet by 2-3 times. Flower scales with fruits are cartilaginous, blunt, clear-transversely wrinkled on the outside.

The roots are spongy, penetrating to a depth of 30-50 cm (sometimes more than 1 m). 3-4 thousand seeds are formed on one plant. Propagated by seeds.

Drought-resistant. Prefers steppes and dry meadows, grows in fields and deposits, near roads, in settlements, more often on sandy soils. Weed in crops mainly of row crops, as well as cereals (wheat, oats).
See also