A perennial herb with whole leaves. It has medicinal value, has a pronounced choleretic effect. It is often cultivated in private plots as a good honey plant. The plant is not included in the state Pharmacopoeia of the Russian Federation and is not used by official medicine. However, studies of the Tomsk medical Institute have established the choleretic and sokogonnoe effect of an aqueous solution of Golden volodushka grass on the stomach and pancreas. A positive therapeutic effect was obtained in the treatment of hepatitis, angiocholitis, cholecystitis and cirrhosis of the liver.
In folk medicine, Golden volodushka is used to treat diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, nervous system and viral infections.
In homeopathy, the medicinal properties of Golden volodushka are often recommended for use in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, genitourinary system and liver.
Contraindications and side effects
Since Golden volodushka has a powerful choleretic and anti-inflammatory effect, it can not be used for the treatment of patients with gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer in the acute stage, as well as with increased acidity of gastric juice, with individual intolerance, during pregnancy and lactation. In addition, the use of volodushka for medicinal purposes is not recommended for patients with cholelithiasis and children (under 12 years of age). Golden volodushka is a perennial herb with a height of 25 to 150 m. It has a smooth, straight, usually single stem, or branching in the upper part. Leaves are whole, basal and lower stem – oblong-obovate, narrowed to the base in the petiole; middle – sessile, narrowed or almost pierced at the base. The leaf blades are all-edged. The flowers are yellow, on pedicels, collected in an inflorescence – a complex umbrella. The Corolla is made up of 5 petals, the calyx is almost invisible. Pistil with lower two-nest ovary. The formula of the Golden volodushka flower is *H0..5L5T5P(2). The fruits are two – seeded, smooth, oblong-elliptical, when ripe, they break up into 2 mericarps, with ribs in the hollows, in which there are 3 secretory tubules. It is propagated by seed. Blooms in June and July. It bears fruit from July to September.