Drooping pearl barley 100+ PCS fresh seeds, Melica nutans

Oreshka seeds
Drooping pearl barley (lat. Melica nutans)

A perennial plant. The rhizome is horizontal, thin, creeping, branched, sometimes forms loose turf. The height of the stems is 20-60 cm.
The leaves are thin, 2-5 mm wide, green or dark green, short pubescent or glabrous above, glabrous below or with spines along the veins, finely ribbed. Leaf sheaths are rough, their color is purple. The tongues are brown, short (no more than 0.1 mm).
The inflorescence is a one-sided brush or raceme-shaped panicle. Spikelets 6-8 mm long, including from 3 to 15, are placed on thin drooping legs. The spikelet scales are purple-purple in color, with a white film along the edge. Lower flower scales with protruding veins, 6-7. 5 mm long, with thin spines and short bristles. There are usually two fruiting flowers in each spikelet, and between them, there is a light appendage of underdeveloped flowers, which after the fruit matures becomes cartilaginous-fleshy.
It blooms from May to June. It grows in shady places, mainly in pine forests in Eurasia from the Mediterranean to the boreal strip.
It grows in different types of forests, in cuttings, among shrubs. It is common for the entire growing area.
Ants spread fruits, as in other species of the genus Perlovnik.
See also