Luffa aegyptiaca 5 PCS fresh seeds, Sponge gourd, Egyptian cucumber, Luffa seeds, Luffa sponge, Sponge Squash, Dishrag gourd, Organic seeds

Oreshka seeds
Luffa aegyptiaca fresh seeds, Sponge gourd, Egyptian cucumber, Luffa seeds, Luffa sponge, Sponge Squash, Dishrag gourd, Organic seeds (lat. Luffa aegyptiaca).

A plant species from the genus Luffa (Luffa) of the Pumpkin family (Cucurbitaceae). An annual liana 3-6 m long with five-sided stems rough on the ribs, clinging to the support with the help of branched (usually three-part) antennae.

The leaves are 15-25 cm in circumference, palmately five-lobed, on petioles up to 12 cm long. The flowers are bisexual, with five bright yellow petals. Staminate flowers are collected in racemose inflorescences of 15-20 flowers, pistillate - single, located in the axils of the same leaf as the staminate.

The fruits are cylindrical or club-shaped, up to 50 cm long (sometimes more), 6-10 cm in diameter, smooth, without ribs.

The fruits are used in the same way as the fruits of the sharp-ribbed luff. Young fruits are eaten raw, boiled or stewed, added to various dishes, canned. A sponge made of intertwined conductive bundles formed in dried ripe fruits is used to make washcloths, filters, insulation materials, mats, hats and other similar products.
See also