Carnation armeria 20 PCS fresh seeds, Dianthus armeria

Oreshka seeds
Carnation armeria (lat. Dianthus armeria)

An annual or biennial herbaceous plant, usually not exceeding 10-50 cm in height, in most cases with a sparsely branched pubescent stem.
The leaves are stem-embracing, linear-obovate, 2-10. 6 cm long, green, the lower surface of the plate is whitish-pubescent.
The flowers are collected in three to six umbellate inflorescences or single, with narrow small bracts and four linear bracts. Pedicels are not more than 3 mm long. The calyx is five-part, pubescent, up to 2 cm long. The corolla consists of five toothed reddish-pink petals, covered with a few white spots, or completely white. Stamens in the amount of ten, with pinkish anthers. There are two pestles.
The fruits are boxes about 13 mm long. The seeds are about 1.2 mm in diameter, spherical-bean-shaped.
See also