Zyuznik European 50+ PCS fresh seeds, Lycopus europaeus
Oreshka seeds
Zyuznik European (Lycopus europaeus) Syn.: wild queen bee, heart grass, marsh nettle, water shandra, water nettle, volkogon, wolf's foot, wolf's paw, chistets, speckled, forest hemp, zyuzik. A medicinal plant with unique healing properties. The plant is used in folk medicine as one of the means that regulate the work of the endocrine system, in particular, the thyroid gland. Zyuznik-a perennial plant up to a meter high, with a powerful stem-tetrahedron, very similar to nettle. The leaves are whole, oblong-lanceolate, having a length of three to eight centimeters, with denticles on the edges. The flowers of the plant are small, white, with red specks, twisted in a kind of funnel and a dense ring covers the bases of the leaves. Zyuznik blooms for three months, starting in July. The flowers of zyuznik are pollinated mainly by flies. Zyuznik grows in places that are wet, even flooded, and is widespread everywhere. For a great love of water and for a strong external resemblance, zyuznik is sometimes called "swamp nettle". European zyuznik grows in the forest zone of Central and Eastern Europe to Lake Baikal, in the Himalayas, China, and Japan. It can also be found in the European part of Russia, the Amur region, Primorye, Sakhalin, Kunashir, Ukraine, and Central Asia (in Uzbekistan). The European Zyuznik is very fond of wet places and you can meet it on the banks of reservoirs, in floodplain meadows and near thermal springs. The aboveground parts of the European zyuznik are used not only fresh, but also in dried form. Extracts, alcoholic tinctures, powders and infusions are prepared from raw materials. Polish scientists have found that the largest amount of active substances and essential oil zyuznik accumulates by August, during flowering. Therefore, it is best to prepare raw materials from the end of July to September. Collect the entire upper part of the plant, excluding the thick stem. Then the raw materials are formed into bundles and dried in a ventilated room. To preserve all the healing qualities of the plant after harvesting, it should be dried as quickly as possible. When collecting the European zyuznik, it is necessary not to confuse it with the high zyuznik (it differs in height, reaches two meters). The medicinal properties of this species are still unknown. Plants differ in leaves. The European zyuznik has whole oblong leaves, and the tall one has complex split leaves.