Black Sesame 100+ PCS fresh seeds, Sesamum indicum, Sesame seeds, White flower, Vegetable bread seeds, Herbal seeds, Organic seeds, Non GMO

Oreshka seeds
Black Sesame fresh seeds, Sesamum indicum, Sesame seeds, White flower, Vegetable bread seeds, Herbal seeds, Organic seeds, Non GMO (lat. Sesamum indicum).

A genus of herbaceous plants of the Pedaliaceae family. An annual herbaceous plant 1 - 1.5 meters tall. Thanks to the powerful roots that go deep into the soil to a meter depth, it is very unpretentious in cultivation and gives a good harvest even in arid conditions.

The leaves are petiolate, pubescent. The lower leaves are opposite, then the next ones grow. Flowers of yellowish, bluish or purple shades are located in the axils of the leaves. The corolla is tubular, slightly irregular in shape.

The plant blooms in June-July, and bears fruit in August - September.

The fruit is an elongated to 3.5 cm, four- or octahedral box filled with numerous seeds. The box has a round base and a conical top. The color of the seeds is black.
See also