Leek is a herbaceous garden crop that grows to a height of 40 cm. After planting, the plant forms a root system and a false bulb. The aboveground part consists of green feathers arranged in a fan. In the second year, the leek grows a peduncle with pinkish flowers, collected inflorescences. Seeds are harvested in August. The planting material retains germination for 2 years. The onion of the Karantansky variety is a dietary product. It is used fresh, added to home preparations for the winter. The onion retains its properties when frozen. The culture is rich in vitamins and minerals, improves the activity of the digestive system and gallbladder. The Karantansky variety has a low caloric content, which allows it to be used in the diet. For planting leeks, Karantansky is suitable for an open sunny area, remote from shrubs and buildings. The crop prefers fertile neutral soils. Best of all, onions grow on loamy soils, fertilized with organic matter. Leek Karantansky planted after peas, beans, cabbage, tomatoes, potatoes. Re-growing onions in one place is unacceptable.