Salvia verticillata 30+ PCS fresh seeds, Purple rain, Sage rose queen, The lilac sage or whorled clary, herb, Culinary herb
Oreshka seeds
The lilac sage or whorled clary (lat. Salvia verticillata)
A perennial plant up to 60 cm tall. The rhizome is 5-10 mm in diameter, brown, almost horizontal or obliquely ascending. The stems are numerous, simple, rarely branched, straight, 30-80 cm high, densely pubescent with multicellular hairs. The leaves are heart-shaped-ovate, 4-13 cm long, 3-10 cm wide, sharp, the edges of the leaf blade are urban; the lower leaves on the petioles are equal to the plate, the upper ones are short-stemmed or sessile. Inflorescences are simple or more often with one or two pairs of long branches, from 20-40-flowered false whorls; the calyx is tubular, often purple; the corolla is purple, sometimes white, twice as long as the calyx, double-edged. The nuts are roundly elliptical, light brown, sometimes dark brown, smooth, 1.5-5 mm long. Blooms in June — September. The fruits ripen in August — September. The nectary encircles the ovary with a ring. Nectar accumulates in the corolla tube, occupying about a third of it, and is well accessible to bees. They visit the sage flowers all day. Nectar production is abundant, the most intense in the period from full pollination to fertilization. The most nectar-bearing flowers are in hot weather — 25-30 °C and moderately humid weather.