Common Chives (Allium schoenoprasum) 20 fresh seeds
Oreshka seeds
The bulb has a spherical, slightly flattened shape, with many scales from white to purple. A hard, thickened, slightly swollen stem (peduncle) can reach a height of 1-1.2 m. Spherical umbrellas with a diameter of 10-15 cm are collected from small but numerous flowers. Decorative onion allium will be the highlight of any garden plot, and against the background of the usual asters and tulips, it will look just great.
Cultivation It is quite simple to grow a crop on your garden plot, as it is characterized by unpretentiousness in care. Weeds should be removed from the site in a timely manner, its surface should be regularly loosened and covered with a layer of mulch during the growing season. Water Allium moderately, while it belongs to such plants that better tolerate a short drought than stagnation of water in the ground. The site for its cultivation is recommended to choose a Sunny one, since this plant is light-loving. The soil he needs is loose and well permeable to water. In order to prevent fluid stagnation in the root system, you should try to improve the drainage properties of the soil. Suitable soil should have a pH close to 7.0. Lowlands and places where water stagnates during snowmelt and rain are not suitable for growing ornamental onions. For planting, prepare a hole with a depth of 2 or 3 times the height of the bulb, thanks to this, the root system will be protected from drying out and from winter frosts.
Do I need to dig up bulbs for the winter? Experts advise that every year to dig up the bulbs after the seeds are fully ripe, and the leaf plates dry up. Again in the ground they can be planted in the autumn. For storage, the bulbs are removed to a place where the air temperature does not exceed 18-20 degrees. Some species can be planted not only in autumn, but also in spring, for example, Ostrovskaya, moth and blue. For storage, small bulbs are recommended to be put in a container with peat or sawdust, this will help avoid their drying out.