Verbena officinalis 100+ PCS fresh seeds, Vervain seeds, Common verbena, Wild verbena, Sacred herb, Venus vein, Witch's herb, Holy herb

Oreshka seeds
Verbena officinalis fresh seeds, Vervain seeds, Common verbena, Wild verbena, Sacred herb, Venus vein, Witch's herb, Holy herb (lat. Verbena officinalis).

A species of herbaceous plants of the Verbena genus of the Verbena family. Verbena officinalis is a perennial herbaceous plant 30-60 cm tall with a powerful root.

The stem is erect, branching to the top, tetrahedral, covered with pressed hairs along the edges.

The leaves are opposite, on short petioles. The lower petioles are pinnately incised, large-toothed at the edges with blunt teeth. The middle leaves are three-divided with uneven-bordered-rifled lobes with blunt teeth, of which the middle one is larger than the lateral ones. The upper leaves are sessile, oblong, incised—bordered, apical whole-edged.

The flowers are collected in long spike-shaped inflorescences, at the top - in a large, rare panicle. Inflorescences develop from the axils of the middle and upper stem leaves. The bracts are acute, lanceolate or ovate. The calyx is hairy with short sharp teeth. The corolla is light purple, less often purple, five-lobed; the tube is cylindrical; the upper three lobes are larger, almost twice as long as the calyx.

Fruits are oblong-linear, dihedral-convex, wrinkled, brown or brownish nuts. Blooms in June-July, bears fruit in August-September.
See also