Hyssop officinalis 50 PCS fresh seeds

Oreshka seeds
Hyssop officinalis (Hyssopus officinalis) is a perennial semi-shrub belonging to the family of Clearwort. It has an erect, four-sided, branched, hairy stem up to half a meter or more in height. On the stem on short petioles there are small elongated leaves with even edges of bright green color. The root system is quite powerful, well-branched, firmly holding the plant in the ground and providing the plant with sufficient nutrient moisture even in dry times.
Hyssop blooms from June to late autumn. The flowers are small, usually dark blue in color, but there are also purple and lilac and even pink, purple or white, depending on the variety. Flowers are arranged in the axils of the leaves up to a dozen or more pieces, forming elongated spike-shaped inflorescences. The flowering of this plant is not violent, but stretched. The flowers open gradually almost throughout the summer, from the bottom up. Therefore, hyssop retains its decorative effect for a long time. Starting from the beginning of September, instead of flowers, dark brown fruits begin to appear, breaking up into four nuts that contain dark seeds.
Hyssop is unassuming to the composition of the soil, but it does not tolerate high soil humidity. Under normal conditions, it can grow in one place for up to 5-10 years. Its stems and leaves are richly saturated with essential oils and therefore the plant itself has a strong specific aroma. Hyssop medicinal plant is unpretentious, it can be found in many countries of North America, in Europe, in the Caucasus, in the Crimea and in the countries of Central Asia. In Russia, it grows in the south of the European part and in the south of Western Siberia. Due to its decorative and spicy properties, in some European countries, in India, from Central Asia, it is cultivated as an agricultural crop.
Hyssop is a beautiful honey plant. Its aroma seems to attract bees, so beekeepers use it when transplanting bee swarms into new hives. Fanning a new hive with a hyssop broom and leaving a few branches or flowers in the new hive, you can be sure that the bees will not leave, but will quickly adapt to the new home, probably for this reason this plant was given another name "bee grass". Flowers give a large amount of pollen and nectar, so the bees in the places where it grows give a lot of honey, which is highly valued by beekeepers. But all sorts of pests on the spirit do not tolerate its tart smell, where it grows there are not even mosquitoes.
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