GENERAL INFORMATION Plantain large — a perennial herbaceous plant. It belongs to the genus plantain, which has more than 150 species. Refers to self-seeding weed plants. There are zones of its cultivation as a medicinal raw material. Habitat: everywhere except deserts and the Far North. Prefers the vicinity of roads, meadows, and vacant lots. Plantain leaves are most widely used as medicinal raw materials.
RAW MATERIAL PREPARATION Collection of plantain leaves continues during the flowering period of plantain (may-August). Plantain is a well-adsorbs toxic substances, so it is impossible to collect along the roads, about companies, etc. To the workpiece suitable only green leaves without the damage caused by fungus or insects.
The collection is recommended to be carried out after the rain, when the leaves of the plant are slightly dry. They are plucked by hand or used with a knife.
Spread out in a thin layer, the raw material is dried until the leaves of the plant acquire a brown-green color. You can dry the leaves in rooms that are well ventilated, or in a special drying at 40-50 °C. Store raw materials in wooden boxes or cardboard bags. The healing properties of plantain are preserved for 2-3 years.
MEDICAL PROPERTY ACTION OF PLANTAIN LEAVES Plantain leaves are an anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and hemostatic agent. They regulate and normalize gastric secretion, give an antispasmodic effect. They are a good enveloping, emollient and expectorant. They have an analgesic and soothing effect. Plantain has anti-putrefactive properties: it suppresses the growth of hemolytic Streptococcus, pathogenic Staphylococcus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa. The ability of psyllium to reduce the prevalence of aortic atheromatosis and reduce cholesterol levels was revealed.
USE OF PLANTAIN LEAVES Useful properties of psyllium are used for gastritis with reduced secretion, stomach catarrh with insufficient acidity, peptic ulcer, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract associated with the inflammatory process and the activity of putrefactive microflora (enteritis, enterocolitis) and for the treatment of colitis. It has been proven to have a positive effect in chronic nephritis.
Experimentally, the effectiveness of plantain leaves was established for external skin injuries: cuts, wounds, burns, bruises. In these cases, plantain serves as a hemostatic, wound-healing and bactericidal agent.
Plantain leaf is used as an expectorant, enveloping and emollient for diseases of the upper respiratory tract, accompanied by inflammation of the mucous membrane, with a debilitating cough with difficult to discharge or viscous sputum.
Plantain leaves are used for female infertility. Treatment with psyllium relieves inflammatory processes, kills pathogenic microorganisms and saturates the body with a hormone-like substance phytosterol.
Plantain for infertility in men is used as a means to increase the activity of sperm.
LARGE PLANTAIN LEAVES IN COSMETOLOGY Infusion of plantain leaves is used as a moisturizer to care for dry skin and hair. It also serves as a good cleansing and bactericidal agent for oily and porous skin that is prone to acne and rashes.
In addition, plantain leaves is used to treat wounds, cracks and scuffs on the soles of the feet. To do this, make foot baths with the addition of plantain infusion.